WATH Foundation prides itself in orchestrating and augmenting initiatives to benefit people serving a mission greater than humanity—a Path paved with possibilities
An educational series shifting the role from observer to participant...
Documenting the TridentProject™, a media production plan encompassing:
Television Programs | Streaming Series | Cinema | Interactive Retail | Interactive Media
We Are The Hope intends to captures the essence of ProjectTrident™ addressing a core set of challenges facing our shared future. Documentrio is tasked to deliver audiences an engaging cinematic storytelling experience via the authorship of the treatments: TheOrchard, Braveville, and TheMightyElks .
The relentless process of how solutions are discovered within a proprietary biodynamic development system. A coming together of storytellers and humanitarians working as a single unit on behalf of Earth, by capturing and documenting the transition process of agriculture and land management spanning across thousands of acres.
A slate of productions to inform the mass society through the journey of our food producing farmers and scientists, interwoven with a wide spectrum of humanitarians with unique expertise.
Filmmakers and scientist scripting scientific imagination and visualization, interlaced with footage captured using custom designed filming equipment. Expanding the human capability to observe beyond the spectrum of visible light.
Unfolding the process of contribution to discover solutions. 10,000+ hour repository of academic scholars and expert interviews, digitally catalogued, and archived for educational purposes.
The recounting of dramatic why we need to come together and the inspiring what we are doing!
Underlying message and example of equitably working together, shared from diverse viewpoints and perspectives. Narrated by a group of humanitarians and beloved philanthropists virtually reaching every person alive!
Presenting beyond a documentary through experiential storytelling and interactive media. The custom designed filming equipment along with cutting edge recording equipment infuses professionals from a wide spectrum of disciplines in synthesizing data alongside supercomputers. We Are The Hope is the glue bringing together all vital components of the formula to work together propelled by a common mission.
"Time echos a stamp on humanities lifespan on earth; therefore, we are driving to the end zone with a PLAN. We are regenerating earth from within— together!! Documentrio is HOW we discover, initiate, and share." We Are The Hope

Storytelling done like never before!
Narrating the mechanics of ProjectTrident™ from multiple perspectives.
All working together aiming to accomplish the same goal.
All contributing for the success of the whole that benefits all.
Educating and inspiring along the way.
Seamless delivery, and preservation of information.

Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
An educationally cinematic storytelling of the journey of a forward pledging society.
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